Haishan Gao


Located in Mountain View, CA

Hi, my name is Haishan. I am a Software Engineer at Google Shopping developing ML infrastructure and information retrieval algorithms.

I finished my undergraduate study at Northwestern University with a double major in Computer Science and Economics. I was fortunate to work in the QRG lab under the supervision of Constantine Nakos and Prof. Ken Forbus on natural language understanding and question answering. I also worked with Prof. Özge Samancı on interactive art.

My research interest lies at the intersection of NLP, Computational Social Science and Interactive Media. My past research experience was focused on building interactive applications and using computational methods to analyze social issues.

I like reading and writing fiction outside of work.

selected projects

  1. Replicated DNS Cache Service backed by Zookeeper-based Membership Management
  2. Sales Prediction Based on Product Titles and Images with Deep Learning Approaches
  3. Political Polarization, Emotions and Engagement on Reddit
  4. Portal Snake (Unity 2D Cooperative Game)